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"The Red-billed Streamertail hummingbird, also known as, the doctor bird is identifiable by its scissored tail and is indigenous to the island of Jamaica. While mulling over names for my business, I had a vivid flashback of my childhood, traveling back and forth from Jamaica to New York. At that time, Air Jamaica was our family’s choice of airline which represented Jamaica with its notorious design of the doctor bird as its logo and I suddenly remembered the comfortable, warm, feeling of the island - from the ticket agents to the flight attendants, I was home before I reached the runway. That’s the feeling I want people to have when they taste anything I've prepared.

I want them to feel ‘home.'"


Born in New York to Jamaican parents, Hummingbirds founder and head chef, Patrice Chin, spent her formative years in Jamaica. As with any ethnic group, food was the neutral foundation that brought her family together. Her father is of Jamaican, Chinese and African decent and as a result, Jamaican/Chinese fusion cuisine was prepared for celebratory meals, birthdays and holidays.

By the age of seven, Patrice was preparing breakfast for her family of seven and any guests who were sure to stop by. While learning her way around the kitchen, her grandfather, Herbert Chin stood out as her culinary inspiration noting him as the center of some of her fondest memories which were mostly cooking and eating together - all things food.

"No one formally sat me down and taught me to how cook, nor did I attend culinary school. I am the youngest of five children, so I had to search for a place in my home that I was most comfortable and that was the kitchen - a place where none of my siblings wanted to be! Which is also a place where I could be close to my mom and dad and be their little helper. Even now, as an adult, it remains the most comfortable space for me."

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